Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal
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7-Jan- 2015

Christmas was celebrated in St. Montfort School with fun and gaiety. Christmas always reminds one of carols, santa, sweets, lots of enjoyment and holidays. At Montfort school, Bhopal, a plethora of enjoyment was viewed by the students and staff. Christmas carols were sung by the children. A pantomime was presented wonderfully by the children. Along with Christmas celebration it was also the birthday celebration of our principal Rev.Bro. Alex. Santa along with the fairies escorted Rev. Bro. Alex onto the stage and showered him with flowers and cards. A birthday cake was cut amidst applause. The children were given cakes and sent off for the holidays to get rejuvenated and energetic to welcome 2015.