St. Montfort School, Patel Nagar Primary wing conducted mental mathsquiz Competition on 28-10-17 for class I & II. This quiz was conducted to test the mental ability of the students and enhance their interest in the subject. 5 students from each class were selected and were given question related to their semester book chapter.
It was a group competition and it is then they learned how to co-ordinate and co-operate with each other in a group. Each group has shown the unity which helps them to solve the sums easily. They all gave a tough competition to each other and were very well prepared about the topics of the quiz. They showed great enthusiasm in solving any mathematical problem.
Result of Mental Maths Quiz.
I Prize- I B.
II Prize –I D.
5. Yashibajaj.
III Prize I A.
1.Agrima Sharma.
2. Atharvshrivastava.
3. Aashipatel.
4. Samriddhigour.
5. Vaibhavdeshwadi