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St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal
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Science Olympiad Foundation
23-Jan- 2018


In the Science Olympiad Foundation International English Olympiad the following students got the Gold medal for being the 1st Ranker.

  1. Anwesha Sharma
  2. Anunay  Jain
  3. Skandha Narayani
  4. Abhinav Gupta
  5. Shubhi Patel

The 2nd Rankers silver medalist in school.

  1. Hutesh Singh
  2. RaunakkumarMahanti

The 3rd Rankers Bronze Medalist inschool.

  • Anushka Singh
  • Arya Rajput
  • Abhinav